What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini YogaWhat is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan is an unique, quick, modern and effective set of exercises in rhythm that correspond to the high speed of 

contemporary life. By unifying all yoga styles it meets best the requirements of human adaptation to uneasy situations around us, supports a positive aproach to life, joy, activity, creativity and physical and menthal health of the organism. Kundalini Yoga´s dynamic exercises, static positions –asanas, pranayamas, meditations and mantra chants have rejuvenescent and healthy effects. A flexible back, strong immunity, well-functioning nervous, endocrine and reproductive systems, love of ourselves, openess in communications with people, confidence in our own strengths, skills and art of seeing beauty in everything around us – that is what Kundalini Yoga means.

Miracles only happen when your hearts are wide open. Kundalini Yoga is the science of consciousness and experience, this is yoga, which awakens us inside. If the world around you has disappeared, you have problems in relationships with people, your business stays still, your spine hurts, depression afflicts you .. Come and try Kundalini Yoga, touch it .. To change the world around you, you must first change yourself ..

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